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Problem Statement

Potential Health Development needed a hands-free solution to control fitness process involving supply of either concentrated oxygen or normal oxygen for athletes.

Process Involved

A bag is filled with concentrated oxygen.

The athlete wears an oxygen mask and runs on the treadmill (or cycles), during which, they use a manual switch to supply either type of the oxygen via the oxygen mask.

The switch controls a valve (through which the oxygen is supplied) which opens and closes when the switch is pulled and pushed respectively.

Solution by Airaa Corporates

  1. We developed an Embedded device which is controlled via Bluetooth which involves:
  2. Identifying cost effective hardware (Electrical and Mechanical) and design
  3. Developed Bluetooth firmware which controls electrically enabled valves based on Bluetooth commands coming from mobile application
  4. We also developed a fitness based Android application which contains the protocols in which the timings to supply the oxygen. These instructions are given to the valve from the application via Bluetooth.
  5. We have implemented fully automation test suites to test device and application using Appium.